
How To Pressure Wash A House (Start To Finish)



House washing, a critical aspect of pressure washing, demands precision and expertise. This guide, inspired by a detailed video tutorial from seasoned professionals Justin and Jacob, provides a comprehensive approach to house washing. Aimed at both novices and veterans in the pressure washing industry, this guide covers each step in detail, ensuring your services stand out in quality and efficiency.

Essential Preparations

Initial Assessment and Pre-Inspection

The foundation of a successful house wash lies in a thorough pre-inspection. Utilizing tools like Quod IQ's 28-point inspection form, meticulously document any pre-existing damage or peculiarities of the property. This crucial step not only safeguards your liability but also sets the stage for a tailored washing approach.

Equipment and Chemical Selection

Choosing appropriate equipment and chemicals is essential, especially considering the property's size and material. For instance, in the video, a smaller vinyl-sided home was efficiently managed without the need for a trailer. Understanding the chemical composition and its effects on various surfaces is crucial. Utilize industry-respected resources like How to Wash Cored and Quq Mix Calculator for expert guidance on chemical mixtures.

Detailed Washing Procedure

1. Property Protection Measures

Prioritize protecting the property by covering electrical outlets with tape and removing items vulnerable to water or chemical damage. This not only demonstrates professionalism but also prevents accidental harm during the washing process.

2. Strategic Chemical and Water Application

House washing involves a delicate balance between applying chemicals and rinsing them off. Employ the pressure washer with care, avoiding excessive pressure on sensitive surfaces like vinyl siding or painted trim. Each area of the house, from windows to sidings, requires a unique approach to prevent water infiltration and damage.

3. Targeted Approach for Special Areas

Areas such as doors and windows need special attention. For example, ensure that doors with worn-out gaskets are treated delicately to prevent water from seeping inside. This attention to detail is paramount in delivering a thorough and damage-free cleaning service.

4. Identifying Additional Service Opportunities

As you wash, look for potential upsells like patio or paver cleaning. This proactive approach not only adds value to your service but also potentially increases your revenue streams.

Concluding the Job

Final Inspection and Site Cleanup

After washing, conduct a detailed post-wash inspection, capturing after-pictures for documentation. Meticulously gather and account for all equipment, preventing losses or future replacement costs. Remove all protective measures and return any displaced items to their original position, leaving the property in pristine condition.

Transparent Communication with Clients

Present a comprehensive report to the homeowner or property manager, detailing the work completed and any notable pre-existing conditions. This level of transparency and professionalism fosters trust and can lead to repeat business and referrals.


Mastering house washing involves much more than the act of cleaning. It requires careful planning, a keen eye for detail, and effective communication with clients. By embracing the practices outlined in this guide, your pressure washing business can achieve excellence and a reputation for quality.

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