
I’m Scared To Start My Pressure Washing Business, HELP


Hey guys! Welcome back to the Lean Mean Academy, where we focus on one truck, big profits! Today, we’re tackling a common question: should you be worried about all the competition in your area before starting your pressure washing business?

We’ll also cover why having one foot in and one foot out of your business can prevent progress and how mastering your lead flow can give you peace of mind. If you need more leads, check out the Local Domination Course—the first link in the comments and description. This course shares the best marketing tactics we use every day to generate more leads, allowing us to choose our price, clients, and have peace of mind.

But without further ado, let’s dive in!

Should I Be Worried About Competition in My Area?

There are a couple of large pressure washing companies nearby, and you might wonder if it's worth starting your own side hustle. This is a great question. Think about popular fast food chains. Do you think In-N-Out Burger or Wendy's thought, "I'm not going to start a business because McDonald's is down the road"? No, they saw a need, filled a niche in the market, and moved forward with their dream to pursue financial freedom.

There’s competition in every aspect of life—applying for jobs, schools, or any endeavor. So should you not pursue something just because someone else is doing it? Absolutely not. Your competition can teach you both the right and wrong ways to do things. Talk to potential customers to learn what they don’t like about the big guys and build your business on being unique.

There’s No Perfect Business

A lot of people look for the perfect business opportunity with high demand and low competition. But it's 2024, and the internet makes it easy to find businesses that make money. If a business is profitable, it’s likely that others are already doing it. Don't let competition be a barrier. Even in crowded markets, you can offer something unique that others don’t.

Starting Your Business

Worried about starting an LLC without committing to a pressure washing business? Forming an LLC separates your business from personal assets. It’s crucial for protecting your personal belongings. The cost is minimal—under $100 if you do it yourself, or a few hundred dollars with a service like LegalZoom. These expenses are minimal compared to the benefits of legal protection.

Invest in Your Business

Some people try to start their business as cheaply as possible, but how can you expect customers to pay reasonable prices if you don’t invest in your equipment, insurance, and legal protections? Those who take the biggest risks often see the biggest rewards. High-quality equipment and comprehensive insurance attract larger clients like hospitals and apartment complexes.

Go All In

Having one foot in and one foot out of your business won’t lead to success. Fully commit to your business and take calculated risks. The people who achieve the most are those who dive in completely. If you’re afraid of screwing up, remember that the biggest mistake is not trying at all. Take the risk, and you’ll either thank us later or learn valuable lessons from the experience.

Get the Right Training

If you want to excel in the pressure washing business, consider taking the SESW Softwash 101 Class. This class will provide you with essential skills and knowledge to succeed. It's a perfect complement to our Local Domination course, ensuring you have both the technical expertise and business acumen needed to thrive.

Starting a business is about taking risks and learning from competition. With the right mindset and training, you can thrive in any market. Check out the Local Domination Course and the SESW Softwash 101 Class to get started on the right foot. See you in the next video!

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