What's up everybody! My name is Justin from Forever Self-Employed. In today's video, we're diving into the quickest ways to get customers for those new to the pressure washing game or for those who've been in it for a while and are looking to drum up more business.
This video is sponsored by Jabra, a job tracking and operations management software designed to streamline your home business. Jabra helps service businesses organize their operations, from scheduling jobs and managing crews to invoicing customers and collecting payments. Check out the two-week free trial and get a 20% discount when you become a member through the link in the comments and description.
Joining me today is a special guest, Aaron Parker.
Quickest Ways to Get Customers When Starting Out
Flyers and Door-Knocking:
- Flyers: While traditional, passing out flyers can still be effective. Ensure they are professionally designed to catch attention and avoid ending up in the trash.
- Door-Knocking: Though it may seem old-fashioned, it's a personal touch that many businesses overlook. Stand a few feet back, be respectful, and introduce yourself and your services.
Facebook Ad Strategy:
- Utilize Facebook Ads: As covered in our pressure washing business course, Facebook ads can significantly boost your customer base. It's a powerful tool for those serious about making a life change and committing to their business.
Professionalism and Persistence:
- Build Self-Esteem Momentum: Start by taking any job you can get to build confidence and gain experience. As you grow, begin to push your pricing limits. This will help you transition from the low-price market to a higher-priced one, maximizing your profits.
Understand Your Worth:
- Courage and Pricing: It’s important to challenge your beliefs about what constitutes a lot of money. Don’t undervalue your services based on preconceived notions. Experiment with higher pricing to see what the market can bear.
Avoid Doing Free Jobs:
- Charge for Your Work: While it might be tempting to offer free services to gain experience, this can undervalue your business. Reserve free work for family members or charitable causes, but charge customers to build a sustainable business.
High-Level Marketing Strategies
- For those looking to dive deeper into high-level marketing strategies, especially on Facebook, check out our pressure washing business course. The course covers everything from structuring ads to closing high-ticket jobs. Testimonials from successful users who have landed big contracts, like a $12,000 parking garage job, can be found in the second link in the comments and description.
Remember, whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, implementing these strategies can help you attract more customers and grow your pressure washing business.
For expert training and to master the art of soft washing, be sure to check out SESW's Softwash 101 class. This comprehensive course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in the industry.
My name is Justin from Forever Self-Employed. Until next time, hustle hard and get that money, baby! Peace.